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Sleeping in a Yurt at Cloudland Canyon

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I’m a sucker for unique and adventurous places to stay.  If you have read my post, Will Travel for Treehouses & Other Strange Sleeping Arrangements  or had a conversation about travel with me, this comes as no surprise.  I’ll trade a cushy bed for a unique experience any opportunity I get.  So, of course, a few non-traditional places to call home for the night landed on my 40 Before 40 Bucket List.

Want to hear about the first unconventional sleeping arrangement that came off my bucket list?  Interested in unique experiences? Want to know more about Cloudland Canyon located in the northwest corner of Georgia?  Read on…

What was the activity?
Let’s spell it together…Cloudland Canyon Yurt

Sleeping in a Y-U-R-T✅

Who participated?
I’m always looking for ways to instill a sense of adventure in my girls.  Ella (5) and Nora (2) loved the idea of sleeping in a yurt when I told them about it.  My mom and sister, Julie, agreed without hesitation to go “yurting”.  I believe a love of quirky accommodations is hereditary.Cloudland Canyon with Family

When was it completed?
Thursday, March 8- Friday, March 9
#16 on list
5th 40 Before 40 Bucket List item completed

Where was it completed?
Cloudland Canyon State Park in northwestern Georgia.  The main attraction is the 1000+ feet deep canyon adorned with several waterfalls. Cloudland Canyon Waterfall

The park has ample outdoor activities for families.  There are 64 miles of hiking trails; however, many are challenging with little ones.  We hiked part of the West Rim Loop trail as you can see in the video below, but I ended up carrying Nora most of the way.  The one mile round trip Overlook Trail worked well for my kids.  The views are spectacular.  The railing along the trail provides some security, but please note, in areas, little ones will need to be closely supervised.

Hiking West Rim Loop Trail at Cloudland Canyon

Biking around the park is also an option as there are 30 miles of bike trails.  You can bring your own or bicycles can be rented.  If you are looking for something a bit more challenging, G3 Adventures offers Wild Cave Tours during certain months of the year.  I wouldn’t tackle this with a 2-year-old, but you can be sure I’ll be back!

Why did I choose to put this item on my bucket list?

Adding “sleeping in a yurt” to my b-list goes back to my love of unique accommodations.  I can’t say I remember details of any stay I’ve had in a chain hotel, but oh the stories I could tell you about mosquito bites in a beach bungalow in Thailand, musical snoring in a train sleeper car in China and now chattering teeth in a yurt at Cloudland Canyon (more to come on that).

How did I find out about this activity? How would one go about making arrangements to do this activity?

Information on renting one of the ten yurts available at Cloudland Canyon State Park can be found on the Georgia State Park website.Outside yurt Cloudland Canyon Inside photo of Cloudland Canyon yurt

Interesting tidbits/helpful tips:

  • The yurts are available to rent year round.  They are heated with an electric heater, but if it is cold outside (below freezing), it’s going to get cold in your yurt!  Bring sleeping bags and/or extra blankets.
  • Be advised that linens are NOT provided in the yurts.  This is an important detail that I missed.  The lack of linens coupled with the temperature inside the yurt dropping into the 40s made for a chilly night.  But, hey, that’s how memories are made, right?!
  • There are grills and fire pits located at each yurt site.  It was a bit too frosty outside to sit by a campfire while we were there, but had it been a little warmer, we would have taken advantage.  Firewood and all the fixings for S’mores can be purchased at the visitor center.

Bucket List Rating:
2 Buckets. Setting up reservations was easy on the Georgia State Parks website, and the yurt is steps from the car park.  I would have given it less buckets if we didn’t have to suffer through a brisk night with no linens.  At least my family is talking to me again;)! 

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  • Kristen
    March 29, 2018

    I love your adventures!!!

  • Kim
    April 12, 2018

    I love how your family joined in.

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